Thursday, July 31, 2014

Healers Are Like Actors- You Should See Them Perform BEFORE You Hire Them!

Why is it that famous actors receiving a 7-figure salary still have to go to casting calls before they are given the part, but healers and clairvoyants often expect you to pay them to experience what they do without any guarantee? Healers are a lot like actors. We have a very important role to play and all of us play it a bit differently. Should a potential client have to pay one healer after the next just to find one that is a good 'fit'? This could cost thousands of dollars and offer no results. I submit that if famous actors and celebrities making millions of dollars a film, should have to demonstrate their ability before being hired, so should we humble healers!
There are several key factors you should look for when deciding to work with a healer. These guidelines will help ensure that your healer is a good match for you and will help ensure that you don't get taken advantage of through your fear, desperation, and hope!

  • Information: Make sure that the healer's information on their website or fliers doesn't sound too good to be true. They should not be claiming to heal you or offer you "divine miracles". They should state what they do and what others have experienced, but make no promises that you will receive the same results. The words they use should not feed on a person's gullibility or desperation and suggest that the only hope you have is offered through them. You should feel excited by what you read and be hopeful, but not to the point where you think you should pay thousands of dollars to receive what they offer.
  • Testimonials: A skilled healer, like a talented actor, should have a 'resume' of work they've done before. The more happy clients they have, the better your chance will be that the healer might be a good fit for you and you will find results. But testimonials alone aren't enough!
  • Money Back Guarantee: A healer who is confident in their ability will offer some kind of guarantee. Their focus shouldn't be about making money off of desperate people. It should be to work with people to assist them and to have people go off better off than when they came! These healers aren't out to feed off of your desperation and aren't looking for gullible people to take advantage of.
  • Price: Unlike stars demanding 7 figure salaries for their work, a healer should have a moderate fee. It should be high enough to reflect their expertise and happy clients, and should be enough to cover their time and energy, but not so much that it puts you into debt! A healer should have some type of program to help people pay for sessions, such as a referral program, or other ways for them to have free or discounted services. Otherwise it is a good possibility their main objective is money, not healing.
  • Humility: They should have a sense of humility and service and not brag about their amazing ability and all they've accomplished. You should not feel indebted to them. They should respect you enough to discuss any issues you might have or take the time to answer your questions within your session perimeter. They should not avoid your questions or act like you are stupid for asking them. If you feel overpowered, dominated, or controlled by them, this is not a good situation for you. A healer that understands that they are a channel for the Divine and are assisting you in healing (not taking credit for the healing) is usually a good fit.
  • Type of Healing: You should feel drawn to their type of healing and it should be a form of healing that involves you personally. Clairvoyant healers tell you what you are holding onto and what events, memories, emotions, and beliefs are blocking your chakras and energy. You are involved personally and are the one who is responsible to release these things. It is a choice you make which empowers you to step into new energy. When a practitioner puts energy in or takes energy out, you are not involved personally and are not making the choice to release what you have created, therefore you will often put it right back in. Work with a practitioner that understands Free Will and wants to empower you to do the releasing and you will find it far more effective than the ones who think they are the ones doing all the healing!
  • Number of Sessions: There should be a reasonable number of sessions required for people to really notice a difference. If a type of healing requires that you continue having dozens of sessions year after year, it should be reevaluated. If a healer suggests you need only a few sessions to really notice a difference, then they are not trying to turn you into a "cash crop" and rely on your continual patronage. This will likely be a better fit for you.
  • Truth and Integrity: Find a healer that is working in truth and integrity and isn't afraid of sharing their opinions or information with you. If your healer wont offer a personal opinion or only tells you what you want to hear, they are doing their best to keep you coming back and are thinking about their pockets and not your progress. Find a healer who will tell you the things you don't want to face. Facing these things, and releasing them, is what is going to make a real difference in your healing!

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 Testimonials from Clients Worldwide

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Five Ways to Eliminate Resistance in Your Life

If you are a person who has struggled with long-standing health issues that don't get better no matter what you do, you probably have some resistance to healing. We are all running subconscious tapes that color our approach to life. We have picked up the beliefs and influence of those around us and may have even adopted their thinking. This can lead us to inadvertently create our lives in a way that isn't in our Highest Good. People that have experienced bad health or relationships throughout their lives might believe nothing will ever change. They might even be resistant to change because it is what they've known for so long and have adapted to their less-than-perfect life. So how do you know if you are experiencing resistance in your life? You might:

  • Believe that no one can help you because no one ever has.
  • Believe that things just never improve.
  • Get tense, irritable, or even angry before a session.
  • Feel safer in the crappy situations you've always known.
  • Sabotage relationships that are healthy or that are helping you.
  • Get easily distracted and don't follow through with appointments.
  • Forget to do necessary things to get well.
  • Feel that you have to force yourself to change, go to a practitioner, or take their advice.
  • Believe you don't deserve the better things in life.

Traditionally people have gone to counselors, spending years talking about their problems, their frustrations, and their views of the world, to have these issues addressed and worked through. Now there are simple, fast, and effective ways to identify these issues and release them from your life so you are able to create the perfect life!

  • 1. Working with a Clairvoyant: Working with a qualified clairvoyant energetic practitioner is the easiest and most effective way of identifying and releasing resistance and issues. They can tell you all the traumas, emotions, and events you are still holding onto and help you release it to be clear and freed from the past. They can clairvoyantly identify the issues, tendencies, influence, and patterns of your resistance and help you eliminate it in minutes. There is no need to spend years searching for the answer and then years talking through it. You can be done with the past and move forward into your new life today!
  • 2. Willingness: Willingness is the opposite of resistance. The more willing we are to have a better, even, to believe we can have a better life, the more it becomes possible. Our willingness to step out of resistance, embrace healing, leave behind old energy, and step into new, is key to moving forward in life. Even being willing to be willing can work small miracles in your life.
  • 3. Belief: The belief that you can move past your resistance is also key. Nothing can exist for us unless we believe it can. The more we believe we will never have what we want, the more our resistance grows. If you find it hard to believe, be willing to believe and allow your new outlook to unfold!
  • 4. Intention: Doing everything with intention, directly focusing your abilities to create, is one of the best ways to change your situation. For example, when you say something to someone, instead of not intending to hurt their feelings, you can intend to have a good conversation with them that will be mutually supportive. In this way you are actively creating your situations.
  • 5. Determination: Finding the determination to move through your resistance is the best way to take back your power. If you feel resistance to sharing your ideas or beliefs, find a forum where you can anonymously post them and find your confidence building. Before you know it, you will no longer experience that type of resistance and will feel empowered. Taking baby steps to move through bigger resistance is a good idea. Move slowly forward, but keep on moving!

Working with a qualified clairvoyant energetic practitioner can help tremendously in identifying your issues and releasing them.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 Testimonials from Clients Worldwide

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Three Secrets to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

Many of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction. We have heard that what we send out to the Universe, we draw back to us. So we make a great effort to change our 'negative' thinking and behavior. But many people are still not finding success. Many people find they cannot make the Law of Attraction work for them. I am going to tell you why! Quite simply, changing our thinking does nothing unless we remove the energy and emotions we are holding onto! We have 7 major chakras, or energy centers, and these centers combine to create what I call: "The Channel of Manifestation". Simply put, each of the 7 chakras plays an integral role in manifesting our desires. The Crown Chakra connects us to our Higher Self and the Divine. This is where we bring in the energy of possibility. In the Brow Chakra we can visualize our desire and give it form and meaning. The Throat Chakra allows us to give this energy a physical form by allowing us to speak about it, giving it a physical vibration. Our Heart Chakra allows us to desire and feel this energy. Our Solar Plexus allows us to will this energy into manifestation. Our Sacral Chakra allows us to experience how this energy will effect us on a primal level. And finally our Root Chakra allows us to bring this energy into physical manifestation.
So long as you are holding memories, traumas, and emotions in your chakras, they will be blocked and your channel will be closed. This is why people struggle with emotional release, manifesting, and creating their perfect life! The chakras will take the information you have stored there and continually generate it into your thoughts, emotions, and body! The information is also sent to the Universe and this is why so many people don't experience results with the Law of Attraction. No matter how much effort they make to change their thinking and release old hurts, the information they are holding in their chakras works to undermine their efforts by transmitting all the trauma and emotion to the Universe. You will see this will people who are trapped in the same patterns, having the same financial problems, and experiencing the same dysfunctional relationships. This leads us to our first secret:

  • Secret #1: Clear Your Chakras! Work with a qualified clairvoyant energetic healer to identify and remove all the things you are storing in your chakras. This will allow you to make a fresh start and more easily manifest your desires. Having your chakras cleared should make you feel clearer, lighter, more calm, and even younger! Most people experience a profound difference and tell me they feel good for the first time in years! This lightness is how are we meant to feel, but the events we hold onto drain us of energy and make us feel heavy.
  • Secret #2: Belief and Intention! Believing you have the ability to manifest your desires, and putting intention into everything you do, is a sure way to increase your ability to have the things you want in your life. Nothing can be accomplished unless you believe it can. Working with someone to clear yourself of false beliefs that keep you feeling powerless is extremely helpful. When you can approach life like the child who believes anything is possible and who intends that everything they do is successful, you will find yourself manifesting like never before!
  • Secret #3: The Power of Words! Our words are a direct manifestation of our thoughts. Our thoughts direct the energy from Spirit and bring it forth into physical manifestation. What we say, we create. It is vitally important that we pay attention to our words and their effect on our Physical Being. When we speak words of love and forgiveness we are strengthened and when we speak words of hate or anger, we are weakened. This is not religious dogma; this is a verifiable phenomenon. You can test this by creating a ring with your thumb and forefinger and holding it as tight as you can. With your other finger, try to break the ring. The force it takes you to break the ring is your base strength.

Now you can experience the effect the following words/thoughts have on your spirit and how they affect your strength. Repeat the following phrase three times out loud. Then attempt to break the ring. Notice how much strength is required with each phrase and whether you are strengthened or weakened by the words you have used.

  • “I love myself.”
  • "I hate myself.”
  • “I try to love myself.” You will see that when you 'try' to love yourself, you are the weakest of all, even more than hating yourself! This is because the concept of try is false. It sets you up to fail.

Applying these three secrets into your efforts to manifest your desires will make the Law of Attraction work for you! 

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 Testimonials from Clients Worldwide

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Five Ways to Fix Your Relationships

Most of us have struggled in unfulfilling and troubled relationships. We may have tried counseling, couples' therapy, or even the self-help section of our local bookstore! What if I told you there was another way to address relationship issues that often produces dramatic results in your life and theirs? Best of all, it doesn't take years to achieve results, while you are constantly struggling through your problems in the meantime. Because we are energetic beings, we sometimes need healing at the energetic level. Our thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories are all energetic and they shape our reality. This energy is often stored in our chakras and we carry it with us wherever we go. Our chakras are energy centers that help us manifest and create our life. If our chakras are blocked with past hurts and memories, we end up creating the very things we are holding onto. For example, if our issue is being cheated on, we may find this happens to us again and again. The patterns in our life develop because we don't release the energy of these events from our life. We hold onto it and then constantly manifest it again and again. We might even misinterpret signs because of the past information we are holding onto and assume we are being cheated on when we aren't. This will keep you from having trust in your partner and creating unnecessary tension between you.
These things are not outside your control. There are five things you can do to maximize your relationship potential and begin addressing the real cause of your difficulties. These five things will move your life in a different direction and all they take are willingness, intention, and belief to manifest in your life. These five things, although commonsense, will start changing the troublesome patterns of your life when you embrace them. They are as follows:

  • FORGIVE: Allowing yourself to forgive the other person will go a long way to keeping your energy clear. Forgiveness doesn't mean we are saying that what the other person has done is acceptable. It simply means that we are no longer holding onto the energy of what they've done. If we can look at the things in life we regret having done, maybe we can understand that other people are entitled to make mistakes, even when those mistakes hurt us. Forgiveness is about allowing the other person to be who they are, and not allowing it to affect us, even when we need to separate from them because of the choices they have made.
  • FORGET: Allowing ourselves to release the memory and constant affirmation of the things that trouble us really help us to stay clear. Why burden ourselves with the energy of all our past hurts and failures? When we keep these things with us, we are holding onto that energy. It will eventually become a pattern and that pattern will create a belief. This belief will shape our future events and will narrow our opportunities. Once we have a belief in place, the energy we are holding draws experiences that constantly affirms it. It then becomes very hard to create positive experiences.
  • LOVE YOURSELF: It is amazingly hard for people to love themselves, especially when life has taught us that they aren't acceptable. But loving ourselves means that we want what is best for ourselves. We are less likely to draw unhealthy people and create bad relationships when supporting ourselves. Loving yourself becomes much easier when you forgive yourself and forget all the past failures of your life. It doesn't happen overnight, but it's a step in the right direction!
  • EXPRESS YOURSELF: Expressing yourself is a very life-affirming action. Standing up for yourself, confronting people, discussing issues, and sharing your beliefs and experiences are all amazingly effective ways to love and approve of yourself. Speaking your truth strengthens you. This allows you to manifest more positive experiences, and people, in your life.
  • FACE THE TRUTH: Be honest with yourself! Look your flaws squarely in the face and be prepared to tackle them. See others clearly without making excuses for their behavior. Trying to make the round peg fit in the square hole never works. We must face our life with honesty, integrity, and courage. Without these things, we will never improve our lives. We wont be able to make the right decisions for ourselves. We will find ourselves trying to make excuses for our alcoholic boyfriends that we are exposing our children to. We will have girlfriends who constantly take advantage and use us. If you want your situation to change, then you have to face your life honestly and see how you've created it!

Working with a qualified clairvoyant energetic practitioner can take you a long way towards correcting the energetic causes of troubled relationships. By addressing the energy, karma, past life relationships, psychic cords, entities, and other factors, you can move forward dramatically in your relationships with others. Once you are ready to move into new energy and address your issues, you can achieve amazing results.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 Testimonials from Clients Worldwide

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Five Secrets to Creating the Perfect Life

Creating the perfect life seems outside the reach of most people today. We are struggling with difficult relationships, a struggling economy, world-wide disasters, and much more. So why do some people seem to have it so easy? The answer might surprise you! What if I told you that we can each create the perfect life? It's true. You are creating your life right now! Your beliefs, thoughts, and intentions create every experience in your life. This is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction. I'm going to share with you five secrets to create your perfect life. But first I need to explain the basic principal at work here. The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law that governs our lives. Basically, what we send out, we draw to us. This works with our intentions, beliefs, and even our thoughts! If we think and believe that we are unhealthy, never have good relationships, never have enough money, etc- then that is exactly what we create.
Many people are already familiar with the Law of Attraction, but what most people don't know is that the experiences and emotions we have stored in our chakras are sending out information to the Universe, even though we aren't consciously aware of it. Our chakras are like movie projectors that play the film of stored events in our chakras. When this information is trapped in our chakras, we are continually creating our life based on what we have stored. For instance, if we are storing issues with our alcoholic and abusive father, we could easily find ourselves attracting the same type of person throughout our lives. We might find we married people with the same troubling traits as our mother, without even realizing it. Most 'releasing' techniques don't work because they don't clear the chakras, only the emotions. The chakras have to be cleared of our traumas or we will keep creating these issues. This brings us to:

  • Secret #1: Clearing. Work with a qualified practitioner to clear all the stored events and blockages from your chakras! This will allow you to create your perfect life from a clean slate, without inadvertently projecting all your stored traumas and failures, sabotaging your efforts!
  • Secret #2: Belief. Believe you can have the perfect life! Without our belief in ourselves and our ability to transform our lives, we can get nowhere. Belief will open doors and allow us to manifest our desires. The more you believe in your ability, the more you will affect change in your life. Any resistance or hesitation will narrow our channel of manifestation and should be cleared with a qualified energetic practitioner to allow your belief to function correctly and without impairment!
  • Secret #3: Willingness. Your willingness to see your faults and flaws, acknowledge them, and work on improving them is vital if you are going to be empowered to release them from your life. Avoidance never solves problems. The more we avoid the truth about ourselves and the work we need to do, the more we are going to be mired in the problems we are creating. Being willing to acknowledge our faults, step out of old energy, and embrace a new life is vital to being able to change it!
  • Secret #4: Intention. Do everything with intention. The more you consciously make decisions designed to improve your life, the more you intend for things to get better, the quicker you will see results!
  • Secret #5: Focus. Change your focus! What we focus on increases. The more you focus on the negative aspects of your life, the more you will continue to see them happen. Focus instead on the changes you are making, the positive effects you are seeing, and the fact that you have seen change, so you can continue to see improvement. The more positive your focus becomes, the more empowered you will be to continue creating your perfect life!

Working with a qualified clairvoyant energetic practitioner can make the process even easier. A clairvoyant practitioner can tell you all the energy from past hurts, traumas, and events, and help you to release them. This eliminates the heavy congestion in your aura, chakras, and body, that keep you from creating the life you desire. Once this energy is cleared people feel light, serene, and relieved. They are then enabled to manifest things more easily, often creating whole new lives for themselves. A qualified practitioner can work with you to cut psychic cords, clear karma, address past life issues affecting this life.

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 Testimonials from Clients Worldwide

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at 

Welcome to Guaranteed Healing with Erin Heaven

Explore the thoughts and practice of Erin Heaven ~
Clairvoyant Reading, Energetic Healing, Chakra Clearing
Over 280 Testimonials from Clients Worldwide

Learn how to do what Erin does! Classes available at